
Swanage Pier

July 6, 2024

On July 6, I had the opportunity to dive by Swanage Pier with Andrew, Cat, Holly and George. It was my first time being there and I was blown away with the scenery of the location. I spend a lot of time in the cities and suburbs, and I often forget that small town places like Swanage exist. We did 2 dives underneath the pier. First dive took around 45 minutes, with a max depth of 3.7 meters. Second dive lasted around 25 minutes, with a max depth of 3.5 meters. In between the dives, we had some yummy lunch by the pier. To end the trip, we had some lovely ice cream. Although the visibility conditions were okay (2-3 meters), we were still able to see the wildlife in the water (Couple of fishes, crabs and a lobster).

Overall, it was a very fun day and diving with good company made it even better. Many thanks to Andrew for being my dive buddy and being patient with me!

Dive report by Levin.