
Diving Adventure in Cozumel, Mexico

July 3, 2024

Trip Review: Diving Adventure in Cozumel, Mexico

Travelers: Fee, Laura, Neil, Niall, Reg, Adam, Sam, and Susie

Our diving trip to Cozumel was a rollercoaster of adventures, unexpected weather, and unforgettable experiences. Here’s a recap of our rain-soaked but remarkable journey.

After a 10-hour flight we arrived in Cozumel with high hopes and an optimistic weather forecast that quickly turned out to be overly ambitious. Our accommodation was perfectly located near the dive centre. We had booked the diving with Blue Magic who were professional and friendly.

Despite the persistent rain, the diving was phenomenal. We encountered an abundance of nurse sharks and reef sharks, giant lobsters and barracuda. The highlight, however, was spotting the splendid toadfish, a colourful but shy creature native to Cozumel’s reefs. 

A shark swimming in the oceanDescription automatically generated
A fish swimming in the waterDescription automatically generated
A lobster under waterDescription automatically generated

After the first 2 diving days the harbour master decided that the rain was making conditions too dangerous for divers, but we made the best of our time on land. We decided to hire cars that were, let’s say, characterful. Navigating the island in these slightly dodgy vehicles was an adventure in itself. We visited an eco-park where we came face to face with crocodiles, climbed a lighthouse and complained about Neil’s driving.

A crocodile in the waterDescription automatically generated
A group of people in a small carDescription automatically generated

The next day we hired a minibus and driver and visited a tequila museum, where we learned about the history and production of tequila. The tasting session was a very informative, and sipping margaritas in the rain, ankle deep in water added a funny twist to the experience.

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We were fortunate to then be allowed back out on the boat and the last day’s diving was fabulous although the visibility was slightly reduced – 20m instead of 30m so not too shabby.

On the final day we wanted to do extreme tourism, so we took a ferry to the mainland and visited the ancient ruins of Tulum. After a slightly terrifying drive the sun finally made an appearance, and so did the iguanas, basking in the sudden warmth. The ruins were amazing, offering a perfect mix of history and stunning coastal views. 

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A stone building with a palm tree in the middle of the fieldDescription automatically generated

Adam excelled in finding amazing places to eat, treating us to the best of Cozumel’s culinary offerings. We indulged in fresh seafood, authentic Mexican dishes, and discovered the joy of back street tacos. Of course, these were washed down with some delicious margaritas (apart from the peanut butter flavoured one that Reg seemed to enjoy)

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However, Adam’s stellar performance in the food department, didn’t prevent him winning the ‘golden socks of shame’. The reasons behind this honour remain a closely guarded secret – you’ll have to ask him yourself!

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Despite the rain, our trip to Cozumel was a riot. From underwater escapades to tequila-fuelled shenanigans, we had an absolute blast. The rain may have tried to dampen our spirits, but we refused to let it. We left Cozumel with fantastic stories, unforgettable memories, and a newfound appreciation for waterproof gear. Here’s to the next adventure, hopefully with a bit more sunshine! Thanks to Fiona for organising!